Friday 26 June 2009

Model shoot with Michelle

Having got some great shots on the SouthBank with Laura and Andrew, I decided to re-use them to do some stuff with Michelle

Keeping apertures wide open minimised clutter and confusion of other people in the shots - many of whom chose to stand right in the shot, on the phone, oblivious to what I was trying to do - got there in the end though...

The skate park by the national theatre had some great backdrops although we took our lives in our hands at times (and wierdly didn't feel that comfortable stepping from the 'viewing' part into the realm of the skaters).We also had to brave the carpark stairwell smell in places...

The river wall and various bridges offer great perspective shots.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Laura and Andrew Pre-wedding shoot

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting up with Laura and Andrew for a pre-wedding shoot on London's SouthBank. We started from the London Bridge end and walked down to the Oxo tower, getting some great shots on the way but also getting to know each other a bit more.

Despite saying they were nervous, they both did really well and are now more prepared for the big day (maybe it was the glass of wine that helped!)

All images copyright David Burke Photography

Thursday 11 June 2009

Strobist workshop

Although experienced in the world of studio flash use, I decided it was time to dip my toe into the murky world of the 'strobist'. This is like a sub culture of lighting which almost has an anarchic/rebelious feel to it - it's very 'make your own' and involves homemade bits and pieces of equipment and uses flashguns (or strobes as they are called in America) rather than big studio flashes.
Due to their portable, battery powered nature, the lights can be used on location easily and are used to light the main subject but also to add background lighting.

Steve had found a fantastic set of old farm buildings to use, and along with Pippa and Ana we had a crack at some strobist shots!

Wednesday 3 June 2009

models wanted!

I'm looking to expand my model portfolio, so if you (or anyone you know) is interested in modelling (whatever your level of experience) then drop me a line at:

Depending on experience, this will either be TFP (time for prints) / TFCD (time for CD/digital copies) or a small cash payment if I think you can bring a great look to my portfolio!