Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Strobist portrait session

Here are a few images from a recent portrait session, these images were created using a mixture of off camera flash and videolight.

All images copyright David Burke Photography 2010

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Recent Boudoir shoot

Here are a few images from a recent boudoir shoot at a local venue, using a great make up artist!

I'm just finalising dealings with a great local boutique hotel, which will be a fantastic venue for boudoir - look out for my new boudoir website opening up soon!

All images copyright David Burke Photography 2010

Friday, 23 April 2010

Boudoir shoot

I've just got back from a fantastic boudoir shoot in Maidstone - great subject, location and make up artist - images to follow!

Monday, 19 April 2010

Hilbre Island - sunsets 15th/16th April

Louisa, Jasper and I have just returned from a short break on Hilbre island. Hilbre is a small nature reserve, two miles off the coast of West Kirby, and is cut off from the mainland for 5 hrs out of every twelve.
Louisa, Jasper, myself and some close friends were lucky enough to stay on one of only two private residences on the island - basic, but great fun! The weather was fantastic, which gave rise to some amazing sunsets over the outlying wind farm - augmented by the ash from the Icelandic volcano erruption. Being totally out of contact with the outside world (no electricity, or running water for that matter!) meant we were unaware of the erruption, ash and chaos until we got back to the mainland this weekend! Here are some sunset photos from the 15th and 16th April.

More information on Hilbre can be found here:

All photos copyright David Burke Photography 2010

Saturday, 3 April 2010

model shoot in London

Here are some images from a recent model shoot - taken at dusk on the streets of London.

All images copyright David Burke Photography 2010