Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Leanne & Matt's wedding - Sept 11th, Horsted Place

I was recently lucky enough to be asked by my friends Leanne and Matt, to photograph their wedding at the extremely photogenic Horsted Place. Having the bridal preparations, wedding ceremony, reception and lots of my friends all in the same place was a great luxury! Unfortunately Matt and Leanne's plans to have the ceremony outside didn't quite come off, but we still managed to get outside for the groups and some quick bride and groom photos, plus the numerous table lamps throughout the amazing hotel made for some great shots (suplemented by my trusty Lowel ID light). The meal was rounded off by some amazing speeches - for once, it wasn't just the groom who faced the embarrasing stories, each bridesmaid had their turn in the spotlight with a quick, but highly amusing, one liner about each of them...
The first dance started the evenings entertainment - and for those of us watching some of the subsequent dancing, it was certainly an interesting sight!

Here are some of my favourites from the day...

All Photographs copyright David Burke Photography 2010

Monday, 20 September 2010

Bonney & Peter - 3rd September 2010

Friday the 3rd September saw Bonney and Peter's wedding at St Mary's Church Minster, followed by a reception at  The Pines Calyx, St Margaret's Bay. Here are some of my favourite shots from their day.

All photographs copyright David Burke Photography 2010

Friday, 17 September 2010

busy, busy, busy!!!

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been very busy shooting and editing weddings! Just finishing off Bonney and Peter's wedding and will put a few sneak peek pics up later, then onto my good friends Matt and Leanne!
Tomorrow, I'm shooting Katie and Peter's wedding (no, not THE katie and Peter, these two are more important!) and then down to Cardiff next week for Nia and Andy's wedding - it's all go!

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Naomi & Andrew - St Marks Church Tunbridge Wells & The Spa Hotel

Saturday 28th August saw the wedding of Naomi and Andrew at St Marks Church Tunbridge Wells, followed by the reception by the fantastic lake at The Spa Hotel. The weather was kind which just made the surroundings even more special in the sunshine. Here are a few favourites from the day.

All photographs copyright David Burke Photography 2010